Sunday, October 19, 2008

Growing Up In Nigeria

Nigeria is God's own Country. It is a country wonderfully and fearfully made. A country full of respect, training and discipline. Comparing Nigeria to other countries in terms of giving respect to whom it is due, it is awarded 100% score. A younger fellow dares not respect an elderly person no matter the tribe they are from.For example, when greeting, it is beyond handshaking and saying hello, he or she has to greet prostrating. For instance a girl must knee down and a boy must lie down showing the respect. It baffles me in this other part of the world that i am when i see young people disrespecting their elders especially the real grown up like grandparents being called by their names. There are many other beautiful things happening over there that are really interesting such as Christmas celebration, birthday ceremony, wedding ceremony, kinds of dishes prepared just to mention a few. I will like to emphasize on the WEDDING CEREMONY in Nigeria. It is a big celebration where a man and a woman are being joined together in Holy matrimony. A celebration which proves the mathematicians wrong, where 1+1 is still 1. It is celebrated in the traditional way whereby the rites are being performed and where the dowry is paid. Families of the bride and the groom come together sitting opposite each other. The bridegroom brings load of things like 50 pieces of yam, kegs of palm oil, bags of rice, crates of minerals, a she goat, boxes of new clothes, cakes, engagement ring to mention a few and some envelopes of money address to meet different needs, and most importantly, the dowry(the money paid to the bride's parent for taking away their daughter.The bride is meant to knee down and relate to her husband's families. She is being prayed for before pouring palm wine on the floor and the traditional rite done on it.It is a very big and interesting ceremony.It is usually done on Fridays and the next day which is Saturday they now go to to church for the blessing by the elders.

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