Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jesus is the sweetest name i know. He's always by my side, i praise his Holy name. That is the reason why i love him so much, Jesus is the sweetest name i know.

I will enter his gate with thanksgiving in my heart, i will enter his court with praise, i will say this is the day that the Lord has made, i Will rejoice for he has made me glad. He has made me glad, i am so glad, i will rejoice for he has made me glad.

What can i say unto the lord? all i have to say is thank you

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How to Fix a Bicycle Punctured

Buy a repair kit in a bicycle shop
Turn bicycle upside down
Insert levers under tyre so that it is free of wheel
Pull out tube.
Inflate tube.
Dip tube in a basin of cold water until you observe air bubbling from a puncture.
Dry off tube and mark tear with chalk.
Release air from tube.
Rub area where patch will go with sandpaper.
Apply kit glue to area around puncture.
Place patch over puncture so that there is no chance of air escaping.
Allow to dry for half an hour.
Pump tube until hard.
Check in water once more.
Deflate tube again.
Place tyre over tube using levers.
Pump tube until hard.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Growing Up In Nigeria

Nigeria is God's own Country. It is a country wonderfully and fearfully made. A country full of respect, training and discipline. Comparing Nigeria to other countries in terms of giving respect to whom it is due, it is awarded 100% score. A younger fellow dares not respect an elderly person no matter the tribe they are from.For example, when greeting, it is beyond handshaking and saying hello, he or she has to greet prostrating. For instance a girl must knee down and a boy must lie down showing the respect. It baffles me in this other part of the world that i am when i see young people disrespecting their elders especially the real grown up like grandparents being called by their names. There are many other beautiful things happening over there that are really interesting such as Christmas celebration, birthday ceremony, wedding ceremony, kinds of dishes prepared just to mention a few. I will like to emphasize on the WEDDING CEREMONY in Nigeria. It is a big celebration where a man and a woman are being joined together in Holy matrimony. A celebration which proves the mathematicians wrong, where 1+1 is still 1. It is celebrated in the traditional way whereby the rites are being performed and where the dowry is paid. Families of the bride and the groom come together sitting opposite each other. The bridegroom brings load of things like 50 pieces of yam, kegs of palm oil, bags of rice, crates of minerals, a she goat, boxes of new clothes, cakes, engagement ring to mention a few and some envelopes of money address to meet different needs, and most importantly, the dowry(the money paid to the bride's parent for taking away their daughter.The bride is meant to knee down and relate to her husband's families. She is being prayed for before pouring palm wine on the floor and the traditional rite done on it.It is a very big and interesting ceremony.It is usually done on Fridays and the next day which is Saturday they now go to to church for the blessing by the elders.

Friday, October 10, 2008

If I Should

If i should meet an adult without blame, could i be the same?And if could see love working out, would i be in any doubt?If i should by chance speak my heart's desire, could my voice begin to tire?All these questions do i perceive, or in any of these do i believe?

Questions, questions inside my head had never been done or never been said. Makes me worry and makes me frown. I don't if i am feeling up or down. Slowly, breathe in and out. I hope I don't let myself scream or shout.

But if i should see war turn to peace, would i shout for my release? And if i die in dread disgrace, could i meet death and look him in the face? If i could perchance sing in a pleasant tone, i would sing like a rolling stone? All these questions buzzing in my brain, am i really safe and sane?

Questions, questions inside my head had never been done or never been said.Makes me worry and makes me frown. I don't know if i am feeling up or down. Slowly, breathe in and out. IDon't let myself scream or shout.

Friday, October 3, 2008

A Gift of Words

A Gift of Words (Words of Wisdom)

In the evening think of these words, the flow of the stream of life is the path that we take and the course of the choice is the destination of our hearts and minds.

Do we corrupt the clarity of the vision, when in corruption we delve or we do we find only clarity by centring our minds on the energy inside and out?

For what do we put ourselves in mortal peril in mind and body, when overindulding in anything brings ue tremendous grief.

And in love does our heart perish when rejection flounders us on the rocks of loathing ourselves or the departed loved one.

Or in mortal dread do we look at twilight and see the loneliness that night can bring to the ones that had comfort with another besides oneself.

Think of this life as a gift and a joy to be alive with life's magic to delight our eyes in so many ways in nature andwhatever spirituality we choose.

When old do your best to keep the fragnance of youth and try to enjoy life's and love's seasons.

Youth don't go the way of sorrow for in dark thougths will the sorrow fester and destroy. But be thankful of the beauty that can be found in any kind of being or environment.

As said, be yourself for it is foolish to live foranyone else.